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Upcoming Events the Tri-County Sky Barons
are holding or participating in.


Golden Age Air Museum Radio Control Model Meet
August 14th thru 17th, 2024

Featuring model aircraft designs dating from the Pioneer Era through the year 1941. Including Prototypes

Sponsored by our club, the Tri-County Sky Barons of Mifflintown PA.

Download the PDF Flyer for the event!


This mailing list is only to let you know when our next event is.

Pilot registration contact:

 Eric Lunger at 717-994-7735

or Ben Haggerty 610-984-2915

or Jeff Faulkner 717-363-0894

Wednesday 14th

No Era Restriction, Open Flying, Evening and Night Flying

Thursday 15th

No Era Restriction, Open Flying, Evening and Night Flying

Friday 16th

Era Restriction 9AM to 5PM, Evening and Night Flying after 5PM, Meal by donations, Chicken and Ribs, Dinner 06:30PM

Saturday 17th

Era Restriction 9AM to 5PM, Touch and Go Competition 1pm, Evening and night Flying after 5PM, Museum Aircraft Flight Demo 5PM to 6:30PM weather depending, Meal by donation Pulled Pork Dinner 6:30PM.

Registration Fee for pilots:

$30.00 for two or three days, $20.00 for single day.

  • Pilots must have current AMA Membership to fly.
  • Museum admission included.

Open flying all day Thursday with Friday-Saturday all evening and night long. Bring your night flying aircraft.

Store your airplanes in the hangers during the event free of charge, no need to take them apart. First come, first serve. NO battery charging inside hangers.

Model Flea Market and Swap Meet space:
$20.00 for three days or $10.00 for the day per vendor. Tables not supplied.

Museum Admission:
13 and older, $10.00. Children age 6 to 12, $5.00. Age 5 and under, free.

Camping per Site:
$ 15.00 for GAAM Member

  • Primitive Camping, shower available
  • One or multiple nights, same price for this event
  • Maximum two tents, 1 RV, or Pop-Up per site
  • No open fires directly on the ground
  • Please take trash with you

Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments available during event days.
Saturday evening dinner. Suggested donation, $10.00 per person.
Food vendors are there from 8:00AM to 4:00PM Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Biplane rides during the event, weather permitting.
Self-guided Museum tours.

50/50 Raffles throughout the weekend.

NOTE: This is not held at the Mifflintown Airport!
The location is:
371 Airport Road, Bethel PA, 19507 (717) 933-9566

At the foot of the Blue Mountain ridge. In scenic Berks County Pennsylvania, the hands of time have been turned back to the days of Barnstormers. The Golden Age Air Museum is a living museum dedicated to preserving aviation’s golden past.
The “Golden Age of Aviation” is the two decades between the great world wars, the roaring 1920’s and the fabulous 1930’s. The museum’s concentration is this glorious time that included the birth of the barnstormer, airmail, flying circuses and the first airlines. The museum also features displays of automobiles and aircraft from man’s first desire to fly up through the 1940’s.
Welcome to our Web Site. Please browse through our Museum Collection and visit our Gift Shop. When you are in the Pennsylvania area, stop by and visit the museum and join us for
A Step Back In Time!

Golden Age Air Museum Weather Forecast


5th Annual Fly-In/Drive-In at Mifflintown Airport P34
November 30th to October 1st, 2022  



  • Arrive Friday to fly RC Aircraft and/or camp overnight.
  • Full Scale and RC Aircraft flying all day Saturday.
  • Drive in with your Classic Vehicle and join the fun.
  • Dinner at 4:00 PM on Saturday. Bring big and little aircraft, cars, trucks, motorcycles, chairs, a side dish, and get ready for a great time!

Download the PDF Flyer for that event!

RSVP to Eric Lunger at 717-994-7735 or eric@juniatavalleyrv.com
Must be an AMA Member to fly RC Aircraft
600 Airport Dr. Mifflintown, PA 17059